Bioidentical hormones can help both men and women gain a better quality of life.

As we age, as early as in our 30s, the body begins to produce fewer hormones. Because hormones affect essential bodily functions like appetite, mood, and libido, a decrease or imbalance can lead to an array of unpleasant side effects. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can help to combat these symptoms. By balancing levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, a reduction in symptoms resulting from hormone deficiencies can be improved.

Symptoms of Hormonal Deficiency

Common complaints present in people suffering from hormone loss or imbalance include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Cloudy thinking
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms as a result of menopause or perimenopause, schedule a consultation with one of our clinicians to find out if BHRT may be right for you.

What Makes Bio-Identical Hormones Different?

Common complaints present in people suffering from hormone loss or imbalance include: Chemically speaking, both traditional hormones and bio-identical hormones are identical to the ones your body produces. However, the source and formulation of the hormones is different. A bio-identical hormone is one that is harvested from plants, rather than created synthetically. There is little research that shows BHRT is either more or less effective than traditional hormone replacement therapy.

What are the Risks of BHRT?

Hormone replacement therapy is not for everyone. Before beginning hormone optimization therapy, your provider will examine your current health status and you will have blood drawn to measure your current hormone levels and rule out any contraindications to treatment.

In general, people undergoing hormone replacement are at a greater risk for blood clots, gallbladder disease, and stroke. For men and women who take hormones consistently, there is also an increased risk for heart disease and certain types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Hormone Therapy Side Effects

Fluctuation of hormones in your system may cause side effects, particularly when beginning treatment. These include:

  • Acne Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Increased facial hair in women

Every few months you will receive a reassessment of hormone levels, as well as your symptoms. This allows us to develop an ongoing, customized course of treatment for each patient.

How do you Administer Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormones can be administered in a number of different ways, including pellets, patches, creams, gels, and injections. Pellet therapy is a popular choice because they are easily inserted under the skin, with virtually no pain, in a quick 15-minute procedure. Over the course of several months, your body will absorb the pellets and you should feel an overall improvement in your symptoms. From there you can determine if you would like to continue treatment or make adjustments.

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Richmond, VA

If you are interested in learning more about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, contact our office today! Our Pellet Hormone Replacement Therapy is $475 and booster treatments start at $50. Our team would be happy to schedule your initial consultation to find out if BHRT is a good fit for you. To learn more about this procedure. You can reach our hormone optimization clinic by calling 804-447-2303 or emailing us at

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between HRT and bioidentical hormones?

HRT typically uses hormones that are created from synthetic sources while bio-identical hormones (BHRT) are derived from natural sources. BHRT is typically created using plant-based ingredients which have the same structure as the hormones already in your body, making it a much safer and more effective option for some patients.

Who is a good candidate for BHRT?

Good candidates for hormone therapy are patients experiencing symptoms of low hormones, including fatigue, low mood, sexual difficulty, brain fog, and hot flashes. Our team can help you determine whether BHRT is a good option for you.

How long can you stay on bioidentical hormones?

This amount can vary for each patient because it may be safe for some patients to take BHRT long-term while it may be unsafe for others. Our team can help you determine the right treatment timeframe for your needs.

How does BHRT work?

BHRT works by supplementing your natural hormone levels with manufactured forms that are compatible with your natural anatomy. BHRT comes in many different forms, including pills, injections, patches, or implantable pellets.

What is the best age for hormone replacement therapy?

This can be different for each patient, but BHRT is most common for middle-aged patients – especially menopausal women. However, men can also greatly benefit from BHRT for low testosterone levels in middle age.

Do bioidentical hormones cause weight gain?

BHRT doesn’t necessarily cause weight gain, but it is common for BHRT patients to gain (or lose) weight. Our team can help you manage any weight changes while taking BHRT.

What are the signs that you need hormone replacement therapy?

Symptoms of low hormone levels are a sign you may benefit from BHRT. These can include low mood, cloudy thinking, reduced sex drive, hot flashes and night sweats, and sexual deficiency.

How long does it take for bioidentical hormones to start working?

This can be different for every patient – some feel improvement right away while for others it can take a few weeks to months. Generally, you should feel the full effects of BHRT within three months.

What are the benefits of BHRT?

BHRT can help restore hormone levels to a natural state and help reduce symptoms. Many patients notice improvement in their sexual drive and ability, improved energy levels, better mental clarity, and a decrease in mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

Is more than one session of BHRT needed for results?

BHRT is typically an ongoing therapy. The number of sessions needed can depend on your treatment method – for pellets and shots, you’ll need to return to our office regularly for treatment while patches or pills can be used at home.